
Privacy Policy


Neelgiri LLC. ‒ US Privacy Policy

Last Updated: May 2024

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains how Neelgiri LLC (“Neelgiri,” “we,” “our” or “us”) collects, uses and discloses your personal information; the choices you have regarding our use of your personal information; and how to contact us regarding our privacy practices.

This Policy applies to personal information we obtain about you through (the “Website”) and personal information we collect about you including if you contact us.

Please read this Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your personal information. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, please do not use our Websites or provide us your personal information.


If you are visiting the Websites from outside the United States, please be aware that Neelgiri is based in the United States and the information we obtain through the Website will be transferred to, processed and stored on our servers in the United States. The data protection laws and regulations applicable to your personal information transferred to the United States may be different from the laws in your country of residence.

For users in the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom, please refer to our EEA/UK Privacy Notice. (See Below)


We may collect personal information about you directly from you, automatically through your use of the Websites or that we receive from others. “Personal information” is information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you or your household. The categories of personal information we collect about you depend on how you interact with us.

Personal Information You Provide

We collect personal information about you that you provide to us such as when you contact us, subscribe to email alerts on our request information Page. We may collect the following personal information from you:

  • Direct Identifiers, such as your name, email address, physical address, job title, employer, telephone number.
  • Other Personal Information, such as other information you provide us when you contact us.

 Some forms on our Websites may require you to provide personal information to submit the form. You may choose not to provide personal information in those cases but this may prevent you from being able to use certain features of our Websites.

Personal Information We Collect Automatically

We may automatically collect personal information about you when you access or use our Websites. The methods that may be used on our Websites to automatically collect personal information include:

  • Log Information: When your computer or mobile device contacts our web servers (for example, when you visit our Websites), our web servers automatically collect usage information. Such usage information includes information about how our visitors use and navigate our Websites and can include the number and frequency of visitors to each web page as well as the length of their stays, browser type, referrer data that identifies the web page visited prior and subsequent to visiting our Websites, and IP addresses.
  • Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies: Cookies, web beacons and other tracking technologies (“tracking technologies”) may be used to collect information about your interactions with our Websites. Brief descriptions of common tracking technologies are provided below:
  • Cookies: A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer’s hard drive or stored temporarily in your computer’s memory. There are two kinds of cookies: those that are “session” oriented and those that are “persistent.” Session cookies make it easier for you to navigate our Websites and expire when you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain longer and help in understanding how you use our Websites and enhance your user experience. Cookies may remain on your hard drive for an extended period of time. Most web browsers accept cookies automatically. You can delete cookies manually or set your browser to automatically delete cookies on a pre-determined schedule. If you use your browser’s method of blocking or removing cookies, some but not all types of cookies may be deleted and/or blocked and as a result, some features and functionalities of our Websites may not work. Please see “Your Choices” below for information on your choices related to tracking technologies.
  • Flash Cookies: Adobe’s Flash Player is used by many websites that offer video and other interactive content. By default, your use of the Adobe Flash Player generates “flash cookies” (also known as “persistent identification elements” or “local shared objects”), which are data files that are placed on your device via the Adobe Flash plug-in and are locally stored on your device other than in the browser and browser settings won’t control them. The Adobe Flash Player (and similar applications) use flash cookies to remember user settings, preferences and usage similar to the browser cookies referenced above. Please see “Your Choices” for information on your choices related to flash cookies.
  • Web Beacons: Our web pages may contain a small graphic image called a web beacon, which is sometimes also called a “clear gif,” that allows us to monitor and collect certain limited information about our users, such as the type of browser requesting the web beacon, the IP address of the computer that the web beacon is sent to and the time the web beacon was viewed. Web beacons can be very small or invisible to the user, but, in general, any electronic image viewed as part of a web page can act as a web beacon. We may use web beacons to count visitors to our web pages or to monitor how our users navigate our Websites. We may use web beacons to compile aggregate statistics about our Websites.

We may automatically collect the following personal information from you in connection with your use of our Websites:

 Direct Identifiers, such as your IP address.

  • Internet Activity Information, such as information about your browser type, device used to access our Websites, operating system and data regarding network-connected hardware (e.g., computer or mobile device) as well as information regarding your interactions with pages you visit on our Websites.

 How We Use Personal Information

We may use your personal information to:

  • Provide products and services your requested.
  • Communicate with you, including answering your questions, responding to your requests for information and sending you email alerts if you have subscribed to such alerts.
  • Improve our Website, including understanding who is visiting our Websites; analyzing how our Websites are being accessed and used; and improving the functionality of our Websites.
  • Maintain the security of our Websites, including detecting security incidents; protecting our Websites against fraudulent and illegal activity; and enforcing our terms of service.
  • Comply with our legal obligations and respond to legal proceedings, including establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.


We may share your personal information in the following circumstances:

  • With your consent to do so or at your direction.
  • With our parent company, subsidiaries and affiliates.
  • With vendors that perform services on our behalf. Examples include vendors providing services related to marketing and promotional material distribution, website analytics, advertising and data storage.
  • If we believe such disclosure is necessary. For example,
    • to comply with relevant laws or to respond to a subpoena, warrant or court order served on us;
    • to respond to valid requests by government agencies, including law enforcement authorities;
    • if we believe your actions are inconsistent with our terms of service and applicable terms or policies;
    • to protect the rights, property, life, health, security or safety of Neelgiri, its employees, the Websites and its users or any third party; or
    • for the establishment of defenses or claims in any legal action or dispute involving Neelgiri or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors or partners.

In the event we sell, transfer or assign all or a portion of our business or assets (e.g., further to a sale, merger, consolidation, change of control, reorganization, bankruptcy or any other business transaction, including negotiation and due diligence of such transactions), we reserve the right to disclose any information we collect about you or from you. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur and are permitted by and subject to this Policy.


Certain functionalities on our Websites permit interactions that you initiate between the Websites and third-party services, such as social networks (“Social Features”). Examples of Social Features include features enabling you to “like” or “share” our content and features that otherwise connect the Websites to a third-party service (e.g., to pull or push information to or from the Websites). If you use Social Features, and potentially other third-party services, information you post or provide access to may be publicly displayed by the third-party service you use. Also, both Neelgiri and the third party may have access to certain information about you and your use of the Websites and the third-party service.


We use analytics services, such as Google Analytics, which use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect information to analyze your use of our Websites. The information collected by the tracking technologies about your interactions with our Websites is used to assess how often you visit our Websites, what pages you view when you visit our Websites and what other websites you visited before coming to our Websites. For more information on Google’s privacy practices for Google Analytics, please visit You may prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on our Websites by deleting or disabling cookies from our Site. For more information, see “Your Choices” below.


We take precautions — including administrative, technical, and physical measures — to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft, and misuse, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. Although we use reasonable efforts to safeguard personal data, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of personal data obtained or stored electronically.


Our Websites may contain links to other websites or services that are not controlled by us; these links are provided for your convenience and information. We are not responsible for any third party’s data collection or privacy practices and we encourage you to review the privacy policies or notices posted on these third-party websites for further information.


The Websites are not directed towards children under 13 years of age nor do we knowingly collect information from children under 13 years of age. If you are under 13 years of age, please do not submit any personal information to us on the Websites.


Unsubscribe from Email Alerts

Should you receive an email alert from us, you may unsubscribe from receiving additional email communications by following the unsubscribe instructions in the emails we send. Additionally you may send us a message requesting to unsubscribe by contacting us at Please note that even if you opt-out of receiving email alerts from us, we may continue to send you other email communications.

Ability to Opt-Out of Tracking Technologies

Regular cookies generally may be disabled or removed using tools available as part of most commercial browsers, and in some instances blocked in the future by selecting certain settings. The choices available, and the mechanism used, will vary from browser to browser. Such browser settings are typically found in the “options,” “tools” or “preferences” menu. You may also consult the browser’s “help” menu. You can learn more about cookies and how to block cookies on different types of browsers by visiting Also, tools from commercial browsers may not be effective with regard to Flash cookies (also known as locally shared objects), HTML5 cookies or other tracking technologies. Please be aware that if you disable or remove these technologies, some parts of our Websites may not work and when you revisit our Websites, your ability to limit browser-based tracking technologies is subject to your browser settings and limitations.

“Do Not Track”

Your browser settings may allow you to transmit a “Do Not Track” signal when you visit various websites. Like many websites, our Websites are not designed to recognize “Do Not Track” signals.

Ability to Opt-Out of Analytics

You may exercise choices regarding the use of cookies from Google Analytics by visiting


California residents have the privacy rights listed below. The rights granted under the California Consumer Privacy Act and Shine the Light are not the same. To exercise your rights, you will need to follow the directions specific to each law.

California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)

Please note that the CCPA provides certain exceptions with respect to the personal information we collect in connection with providing products or services to, or receiving products or services from, other businesses. Similarly, it does not apply to information we collect in the context of a person’s role as a job applicant, employee, contractor, officer or director of Neelgiri. With respect to the personal information collected in connection with the above individuals or circumstances, you may not have any or all of the privacy rights listed below.

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Information in the Past 12 Months

The CCPA requires that we make certain disclosures about our general collection, use and disclosure of California consumer personal information over the past 12 months. Accordingly, in the past 12 months:

  • We collected the categories of personal information detailed in “What Personal Information We Collect” above.
  • We did not sell any personal information, as we understand the term “sale” in the CCPA and its implementing regulations.
  • We disclosed to the entities described in “How We Share Personal Information,” the following categories of personal information: A. Identifiers, B. Personal information listed in the California Customer Records Statute, D. Commercial Information, F. Internet or other similar network activity, G. Geolocation data

You have the right to request to know more specific disclosures about your personal information as detailed under “Request to Know” below.

California Privacy Rights

You have the following privacy rights under the CCPA:

  • Request to Know. You have the right to request to know the following information about our practices over the past 12 months: (i) the categories of personal information we collected about you; (ii) the categories of sources from which we collected the personal information about you; (iii) the categories of third parties with which we share personal information, (iv) the categories of personal information we sold or disclosed about you and for each category, the categories of third parties to which we sold or disclosed that particular category of personal information; (v) our business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal information; and (vi) the specific pieces of personal information we collected about you.

You may exercise your right to request to know twice a year, free of charge. If we are unable to fulfill your request to know, we will let you know the reason why. Please note, in response to a request to know, we are prohibited from disclosing your Social Security number, driver’s license number or other government-issued identification number, financial account number, any health insurance or medical identification number, an account password, security questions or answers, and unique biometric data generated from measurements or technical analysis of human characteristics.

  • Request to Delete. You have the right to request that we delete the personal information that we have collected from you. We may deny your request under certain circumstances, such as if we need to retain your personal information to comply with our legal obligations or if retaining the information is necessary to complete a transaction for which your personal information was collected. If we deny your request to delete, we will let you know the reason why.
  • Right to Non-Discrimination. If you choose to exercise any of these rights, we will not discriminate against you in any way. If you exercise certain rights, understand that you may be unable to use or access certain features of our Websites.

If you would like to make a Request to Know or Request to Delete or are an authorized agent of a California consumer who would like to make such a request, contact us 1-800 833-496-1947 or complete our “California Privacy Rights Request Form” available

We will take steps to verify your identity before processing your request to know or request to delete. We will not fulfill your request unless you have provided sufficient information for us to reasonably verify that you are the individual about whom we collected personal information. If you have an account with us, we will use our existing account authentication practices to verify your identity. If you do not have an account with us, we will not require you to create an account with us but we may request additional information about you so that we can verify your identity. We will only use the personal information you provide to verify your identity and to process your request, unless you initially provided the information for another purpose.

You may use an authorized agent to submit a request to know or a request to delete. When we verify your agent’s request, we may verify both your and your agent’s identity and request a signed document from you that authorizes your agent to make the request on your behalf. To protect your personal information, we reserve the right to deny a request from an agent that does not submit proof that they have been authorized by you to act on your behalf. You may also make a verifiable consumer request on behalf of your minor child.

Shine the Light

California residents may also request information from us once per calendar year about any personal information shared with third parties for the third party’s own direct marketing purposes, including the categories of information and the names and addresses of those businesses with which we have shared such information. To request this information, please contact us at or by postal mail sent to Milacron LLC, Attn: General Counsel,. 4165 Half Acre Road Batavia, Ohio 45103, USA.

Your inquiry must specify “Shine the Light Request” in the subject line of the email or the first line of the letter, and include your name, street address, city, state and ZIP code.


We may make changes to this Policy at any time. When we make changes to this Policy, we will revise the “Last Updated Date” at the top of this Policy. If the changes are material, we will endeavor to notify you in advance of such changes taking place. If you object to any modification, your sole recourse is to notify us that you do not agree and stop using the Websites and providing us with your personal information.


If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, you may contact:

Neelgiri Machinery
Plot No. 739-740, IMT Kharkhoda, HSIIDC Sonipat-131402, Haryana

Ferromatik Neelgiri GmbH – EEA/UK Privacy Notice

Last Updated: June, 2023

Ferromatik Milacron GmbH (“Neelgiri” ‘we,” “us” or “our”) is committed to compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation and the UK Data Protection Act 2018 in relation to the collection, retention, use and other processing of personal data of data subjects in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and the United Kingdom (“UK”).

This Privacy Notice informs EEA and UK users of (the “Website”) how Neelgiri, as controller within the meaning of the GDPR, collects, processes and shares the personal data of such users.

Personal Data Collection

Neelgiri may obtain your personal data from different sources, including through our Website.

We also may obtain your personal data when you contact us by telephone or email. We may provide further details about additional personal data we collect from you at the time of collection.

Personal Data You Provide

We collect personal data about you that you provide to us when you contract us, request information on our product and services or subscribe to our newsletter. The personal data that we may collect about you includes your name, email address, physical address (city, country, province/region), company, telephone number and message content. We also collect other personal data that you may choose to provide us.

Some forms on our Website may require you to provide personal data to submit the form. You may choose not to provide personal data in those cases but this may prevent you from being able to use certain features of our Website.

We also use cookies and other tracking technologies to automatically collect personal data about you when you access or use our Website. For more information regarding cookies and other tracking technologies, please see our Cookie Notice. The personal data that we may automatically collect from you includes your IP address; information about your browser type, the device used to access our Website and data regarding network-connected hardware; and information regarding your interactions with the pages you visit on our Website.

Lawful Bases for Personal Data Processing

The table below provides an overview of the lawful bases under which we process your personal data and the purposes for which we process your personal data.

Processing purposePersonal Data IncludesLawful Bases
Communicate with you, including answering your questions and responding to your requests for information.Name, email address, physical address and telephone numberLegitimate interests of Neelgiri to communicate with data subjects and provide them the information they request.Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data party is subject to provide data subjects with the services they request.
Send newsletters if you have subscribed to such newsletters.Name, email addressLegitimate interests of Milacron to provide data subjects with newsletters that they request.Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party to provide data subjects with the services they request.
Develop and improve the Website.Data collected by cookies and other tracking technologiesLegitimate interests of Milacron to understand the ways in which data subjects engage with its Website in order to improve the functionality of the Website and the experience of data subjects on the Website.
Provide products and services you requestedName, email address, physical address and telephone numberProcessing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party to provide data subjects with the services they request
Share your Personal Data with our service providers in order for them to perform functions on our behalf.Name, email address, physical address and telephone numberLegitimate interests of Milacron in the operations of its business.
Share your personal data with analytics partners to improve our services and Website.Data collected by cookies and other tracking technologiesConsent (in those cases where required by law)Legitimate interests of Milacron to analyze the ways in which data subjects access and use its Website in order to further improve the Website.
Comply with valid legal requests.Name, email address, physical address and telephone numberData collected by cookies and other tracking technologiesComply with legal obligations (in response to requests from EEA member states or the UK).
Address legal issues and disputes.Name, email address, physical address and telephone numberData collected by cookies and other tracking technologiesComply with legal obligations (if required by EEA member states or the UK).Legitimate interests of Milacron to exercise or defend legal claims.
Analyze and improve the safety and security of the Website.Name, email address, physical address and telephone numberData collected by cookies and other tracking technologiesLegitimate interests of Milacron to implement and enhance security measures and to protect against fraud, spam and abuse.
Investigate, prevent or respond to suspected illegal activities, fraud, threats of harm and violations of our terms of service.Name, email address, physical address and telephone numberData collected by cookies and other tracking technologiesLegitimate interests of Milacron to prevent unauthorized or illegal activity on its Website or to prevent and address threats of harm.

Disclosure of Personal Data

We may share your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • With your consent or at your direction.
  • With our parent company, subsidiaries and affiliates.
  • With vendors that perform services on our behalf. Examples include vendors providing services related to marketing and promotional material distribution, website analytics, advertising and data storage.
  • If we believe such disclosure is necessary. For example,
    • to comply with relevant laws or to respond to a subpoena, warrant or court order served on us;
    • to respond to requests by government agencies, including law enforcement authorities;
    • if we believe your actions are inconsistent with our terms of service and applicable terms or policies;
    • to protect the rights, property, life, health, security or safety of Milacron, its employees, the Website and its users or any third party; or
    • for the establishment of defenses or claims in any legal action or dispute involving Milacron or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors or partners.

In the event we sell, transfer or assign all or a portion of our business or assets (e.g., further to a sale, merger, consolidation, change of control, reorganization, bankruptcy or any other business transaction, including negotiation and due diligence of such transactions), we reserve the right to disclose any personal data we collect about you or from you.


Personal Data Transfers Outside the EEA or the UK

If we transfer your personal data outside the EEA or the UK to countries not deemed by the European Commission (or in the UK after the transition period, the Secretary of State) to provide an adequate level of protection, the transfer will be based on, where required, standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (or in the UK after the transition period, Parliament  or such other entity described under UK data protection law), which impose data protection obligations on the parties to the transfers.

For further information on the mechanism(s) used to transfer your personal data, please contact us at


We maintain appropriate administrative, technical, and physical measures to safeguard your personal data from unauthorized disclosure or access and accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or alteration. Although we use reasonable efforts to safeguard personal data, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of personal data obtained or stored electronically.

Links to Third-Party Websites and Services

Our Website may contain links to other websites or services that are not controlled by us; these links are provided for your convenience and information. We are not responsible for any third party’s data collection or privacy practices and we encourage you to review the privacy policies or notices posted on these third-party websites for further information.

Social Features

Certain functionalities on our Website permit interactions that you initiate between the Website and third-party services, such as social networks (“Social Features”). Examples of Social Features include features enabling you to “like” or “share” our content and features that otherwise connect the Website to a third-party service (e.g., to pull or push information to or from the Websites). If you use Social Features, and potentially other third-party services, information you post or provide access to may be publicly displayed by the third-party service you use. Also, both Milacron and the third party may have access to certain information about you and your use of the Website and the third-party service.

Data Retention

We will store your personal data no longer than is necessary for the performance of our obligations or to achieve the purposes for which the information was collected, or as may be permitted under applicable law. To determine the appropriate retention period, we will consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the data; the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of data; the purposes for which we process the data; whether we can achieve the purposes through other means; and the applicable legal requirements.

Rights and Choices

EEA/UK data subjects have certain rights regarding their personal data. Subject to certain conditions, you may ask Milacron to take the following actions in relation to your personal data that we hold:

  • Provide you with information about our processing of your personal data and give you access to your personal data.
  • Update or correct inaccuracies in your personal data.
  • Delete your personal data.
  • Transfer a machine-readable copy of your personal data to you or a third party of your choice.
  • Restrict the processing of your personal data.
  • Object to our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes.
  • Object to reliance on our legitimate interests as the basis for processing of your personal data.

You can submit these requests by email to or our postal address provided below under “Contact Us”. We may request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity prior to processing your request. Applicable law may require or permit us to decline your request. If we decline your request, we will tell you why, subject to legal restrictions.

If you would like to submit a complaint about our use of your personal data or our response to your requests regarding your personal data, you may contact us at You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority. You can find information about your EEA data protection supervisory authority here or the UK Information Commissioner’s Office here.

Your Choices


Unsubscribe from Email Alerts

Should you receive an email alert from us, you may unsubscribe from receiving additional email communications by following the unsubscribe instructions in the emails we send. Additionally you may send us a message requesting to unsubscribe by contacting us at Please note that even if you opt-out of receiving email alerts from us, we may continue to send you other email communications.


Ability to Opt-Out of Tracking Technologies

Regular cookies generally may be disabled or removed using tools available as part of most commercial browsers, and in some instances blocked in the future by selecting certain settings. The choices available, and the mechanism used, will vary from browser to browser. Such browser settings are typically found in the “options,” “tools” or “preferences” menu. You may also consult the browser’s “help” menu. You can learn more about cookies and how to block cookies on different types of browsers by visiting Also, tools from commercial browsers may not be effective with regard to Flash cookies (also known as locally shared objects), HTML5 cookies or other tracking technologies. For information on disabling Flash cookies, visit Please be aware that if you disable or remove these technologies, some parts of our Websites may not work and when you revisit our Websites, your ability to limit browser-based tracking technologies is subject to your browser settings and limitations.

Ability to Opt-Out of Analytics

You may exercise choices regarding the use of cookies from Google Analytics by visiting

Changes to this Privacy Notice

Milacron reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting of the revised Privacy Notice, as indicated by the “Last Updated” date at the top of this page. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.

Contact Us

You may contact Milacron regarding this Privacy Notice at  Our Data Protection Officer may be contacted via email sent to

You may also write to the following address:

Ferromatik Milacron GmbH

Brühlstrasse 10

79331 Teningen


Data Protection Officer: Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft m.b.H

Potsdamer Str. 3

80802 München

+49 (0) 89 91 92 94 900
